
Timglas - Lars Winnerbäck

Innan allting tar slut

Kent - Innan allting tar slut


13 - Håkan Hellström

Ännu en underbar låt.


Beautiful world

Beautiful world - Coldplay


Overkill - Colin Hay
Ännu en låt att tacka Scrubs för


Elever - Kent

Bara för att Kent är bäst



Jo, jag vet att jag är ganska tjatig med musik nu,
men jag kom på att jag hade glömt bort den finaste låten i världen.
Peggy Lejonhjärta

I'd rather be with you

Ytterligare en låt av underbara Joshua Radin.
Love love love


I should know who I am by now
I walk
The record stands somehow
Thinking of winter
Your name is the splinter inside me while I wait

And I remember the sound of your November downtown
And I remember the truth
A warm December with you but I don't have to make this mistake
And I don't have to stay this way
If only I would wake

The walk has all been cleared by now
Your voice is all I hear somehow
Calling out winter
Your voice is the splinter inside me while I wait

And I remember the sound of your November downtown
And I remember the truth
A warm December with you but I don't have to make this mistake
And I don't have to stay this way
If only I would wake

I could've lost myself in rough blue waters in your eyes
And I miss you still

And I remember the sound of your November downtown
And I remember the truth
A warm December with you but I don't have to make this mistake
And I don't have to stay this way
If only I would wake

- Joshua Radin